Monday, March 31, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

In-Person Worship will Resume

This Sunday, August 9, we will return to two in-person worship services. Our traditional worship service is at 8:30 a.m. and our Contemporary service is at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be live streamed on Facebook and will be on YouTube as well.

FBC Rockport is following the State of Texas’ Minimum Health Protocols and we are cooperating with the guidelines given by local officials. A list of our guidelines and procedures can be found at . In general, we ask that everyone who enters our building:

  1. Practice good hand hygiene and wash or sanitize your hands often.
  2. Observe the recommended six-foot physical distancing guidelines, even in the sanctuary.
  3. Face coverings are recommended. Please remember the order by county and city officials regarding the wearing of face coverings in Aransas County. It reads in part, “All people 10 years or older shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when in a public place where it is difficult to keep six feet away from other people or working in areas that involve close proximity with other coworkers.”

Our goal as we move into the fall is to continue to provide online opportunities to connect with our church for worship and Bible Study throughout the week. We also hope to provide in-person opportunities at the church throughout the week in a way that will be safe for all ages. Ministry leaders, Life Group leaders, and Committee Chairmen should be able to let you know when and where in-person meetings are taking place and also how to join in on-line when possible.

Remember that during this time when our church is largely scattered, it is important for you to be doing some things. Regardless of the decisions you are making to keep yourself and your family safe, it is important that you are connecting with your brothers and sisters in Christ for fellowship, encouragement, accountability, Bible study, and prayer. It is important that you gather in some way with the body of Christ for worship on a regular basis. And it is important that you are being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community during this time. The Lord is present in power. Are we allowing ourselves to be a part of God’s activity? Pray for one another, for our community, for our leaders, for our country, and for the cause of Christ locally and away. And come quickly, Lord Jesus.

I love you all and I am thankful to be your pastor.
