1515 N Live Oak Street
Rockport, Texas 78382
Most Recent News
Coffee, Cookies, and Cards Reception
Join us next Sunday, October 27 at 3:30 pm for a reception to show appreciation for our 2024 Ministerial Team.
Rockport Ringers Open Rehearsal
Come and enjoy the sounds of our Rockport Ringers on Wednesday, October 23 at 5:15 pm in the sanctuary as they prepare for their upcoming trip to the Texas Handbell Festival held in San Antonio.
Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Response
Samaritan's Purse mobilizes staff and equipment and enlists thousands of volunteers to provide emergency aid to victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters in the United States. We often stay behind after our initial response to rebuild or restore houses for needy families.
Texans On Mission Disaster Response
Texans on Mission (formerly Texas Baptist Men) has responded to every natural disaster in Texas since 1967 and many beyond it, including the Southeast Asia tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Through a diverse array of ministries, Texans on Mission has provided the calm after the storm for millions.
Men’s Clothing Collection
September 7 - September 28, We are holding a Men’s Clothes Collection for Mother Theresa Homeless Shelter from now until September 28. This is for men’s clothes only!