Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Church Council

Church Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

The next meeting is October 22 at 6:00 pm.

What is Church Council and What is it’s Purpose:

The Church Council gives guidance, support, and assistance to the Ministerial Staff to coordinate the work of the church to accomplish its mission of leading all people to be shaped by the love of Christ.  In addition, the Church Council enlists and nominates Church Officers and Trustees to the church for approval; assists the Ministerial Staff to enlist and nominate teachers and ministry leaders to the church for approval; enlists and nominates church members to fill vacancies to all standing and ad hoc church committees. 

In all its meetings the Church Council represents the church and acts with the authority of the church on all matters except those needing to go before the church in a regularly or called business meeting.  Those matters needing to go before the church in a business meeting would include, but not be limited to: Approval of church members to serve on committees; approval of church members to serve as teachers, church officers, ministry leaders, etc.; buying or selling of property; major renovation or development of existing church property; major changes to existing written policies and procedures; calling or dismissing ministerial staff members; approval of an annual budget or spending plan or increases to an existing budget or spending plan; and conferring ordination on ministerial or deacon candidates. 

The Church Council consists of a combination of church members chosen by their Life Groups who serve three year terms, church staff, committee chairpersons, and the Deacon Chairman.  Each Adult Life Group may elect one representative who will serve on the Church Council.  The Youth, Children, and Preschool Life Groups may select one representative from each of their areas.  

Church Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.

Other News

Rockport Gospel Music Festival 2025

FREE ADMISSION January 10-11-12

The Christmas Cantata

Journey to The Manager Christmas Cantata, Sunday, December 15, 6:00 pm.

Children’s Christmas Program and Cookie Social

Join in the Christmas fun of our Children's Christmas Program and Cookie Social.

Candlelight Christmas Eve

Join us as we partake in the Lord's Supper, sing beloved carols, and joyfully celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, on Christmas Eve.

Minister of Education Search

It is our intention to keep you as up to date as possible concerning our work. We will inform you as to where we are in the process and all pertinent information concerning the search.

Minister of Discipleship and Outreach

We are now searching for a Minister of Discipleship and Outreach and are praying for God’s blessing and direction.

Christmas 2024: Past, Present, and Future

Advent is the time leading up to Christmas in which we prepare our hearts and lives to celebrate how Jesus first came to us at his birth, and we look forward to Jesus’ second coming at the end of all things.

Parents’ Night Out

Friday, September 13, at 6:00 pm Bring your flashlights and join us for a scavenger hunt. We’ll explore the night sky and discover God’s creations.

About Us

Who we are and what we believe.

Jesus Proved You're Worth It!

Find out how.

Our History

150 Years and counting.