Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

February 23, 2018 Update from Pastor Scott

As we move through the Lenten season toward Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, I continue to be amazed at God’s goodness and grace. I want to thank all of you for your ongoing goodness and grace as we make steady progress towards putting our building back together again and as we try different things with our Sunday morning schedule.

March will be a busy time at our church as volunteer groups from around the country, representing a variety of Christian denominations, will be staying on and passing through or campus as they assist Aransas County in ongoing cleanup and rebuilding efforts.

Samaritan’s Purse is ready to begin work on their building on our property but continue to wait for their builder to get everything in order. Texas Baptist Men’s rebuild group will be here soon to begin their own efforts in our community.

Here is some information on three important groups working with me to address needs within our church:
The ad hoc Committee on Church Governance has been meeting regularly for a few weeks now. We have studied and discussed church polity, or the way in which churches govern themselves and relate to other churches and outside organizations, from scriptural, theological, historical, and practical perspectives. We are now looking at possibilities for our own church. The members of this committee are, Kathryn Albin, Linda Bradley, Monty Brecheen, Matt Brewington, KC Kimbrough, Ray Presley, and Dorian Rangnow. Their next meeting is this Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.

The Emergency Operations Team, under the leadership of Dave McCoy, is working to finalize recommendations on surveillance systems and other ways to make our church property more secure. At some point we will need more volunteers to be trained to assist in our safety operations. If you think you might be interested in working in this area, please contact the church office, Dave McCoy, or Barney Reed. Serving on the Emergency Operations Team are Bobby Albin, Patty Albin, Tim Jayroe, Dave McCoy, Dianne Nielsen, and Barney Reed. Their next meeting is this Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m.

The Phase 3 ad hoc committee had its first meeting this past Monday evening and will meet again this Monday at 6 p.m. During their first meeting they met with Russell Maddox, an architect working for the Baptist General Convention of Texas. We discussed together the space needs of our church and considered possibilities for the future. Their was a great deal of consensus and excitement within the group as we looked to address the space needs for our youth, children’s, and preschool ministries. The members of this committee are Bobbie Bryant, Krystal Guerrero, Brandi Karl, Bill Mills, Bonni Randall, Jim Remley, and Teague Tharp. I am meeting with them along with Jeff Lanningham, Jordan Mims, Marcie Peterson, and Dianne Nielsen.

Please continue to pray for these groups, asking God to guide their work so that our church may be strengthened to accomplish our mission.