Saturday, March 8, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

God asks us to be cheerful givers

We believe that everything we have—our time, our talent, and our finances, our possessions, our livelihoods, even our loved ones—is a gift from God. As caretakers of these gifts, we have the responsibility to faithfully steward them for others’ good and God’s glory. Generosity is simply an overflow of the heart, an outward expression of an inward gratitude and trust in the source and originator of it all—Jesus Christ.

As an act of worship, giving allows us both the privilege and the responsibility to be faithful with His gifts and to watch expectantly as God multiplies and transforms them to accomplish His purposes in the world.

General Fund

Regular tithes and offerings that support the on-going ministry of our church as outlined in our Expenditure Plan.


Monies given here will support designated mission trips, local mission opportunities, and ministry needs in our community.


These funds provides financial help for church members and local community residents when they are in need.

Building Fund

Funds given to this account will be used for future building needs.