Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Ladies Winter-Spring Bible Study





9 AM – 10:30 AM IN ROOM 176

Consisting of only six chapters and 155 verses, Ephesians is one of the most well-loved and influential, life-changing letters in the New Testament. Written to a church immersed in an evil culture surrounded by sin and pagan ways, Paul focuses on the abundant spiritual blessings God has given faithful believers in Christ and His incomparable power to live the new life He has ordained for them. Often referred to as a guide-book for Christians, Ephesians will grow us in our relationship with Jesus Christ and stir us to lives of worship, gratitude and joyful fellowship with one another as we consider the blessings of salvation God has given us. As we study together on Tuesday mornings, we will see that this short but power-packed letter gives purpose and identity to all believers and shows God’s plan and purpose for us as His church—right here, right now, and to eternity–under the rule of Christ. Come and join us –and invite a friend!–as we walk together through this most incredible letter ‘for the praise of His glorious grace.’

9:00-9:10 AM – Name tags, coffee, fellowship, snacks

9:10 AM – Study begins

Study Guides $5 – Available January 14

Leaders: Darlene Wheeler, Becky Livingston, Karen Carson, Kerry Huffman, Linda Balyaet, Rhonda Sanford, Ruth Stovall, Lois Sitton.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21


Ladies Time Out

Ladies Time Out Valentine Luncheon, February 8, 11:30 am.

Minister of Discipleship and Outreach

We are now searching for a Minister of Discipleship and Outreach and are praying for God’s blessing and direction.

Revelation Basics and the Seven Year War

Starts Wednesday, January 15, at 6:00 pm.

Belief That Behaves

Part 2 starts Wednesday, January 15, at 10:00 am.

Knowing Jesus: Living By His Name

Starts Wednesday, January 15, at 10:00 am.


Parents’ Night Out

The next Parents' Night Out is scheduled for February 28!

Ladies Time Out

Ladies Time Out Valentine Luncheon, February 8, 11:30 am.

Minister of Education Search

It is our intention to keep you as up to date as possible concerning our work. We will inform you as to where we are in the process and all pertinent information concerning the search.

Minister of Discipleship and Outreach

We are now searching for a Minister of Discipleship and Outreach and are praying for God’s blessing and direction.

First Family Quarterly Business Meeting

The next First Family meeting is on April 27 at 6:00 pm

Revelation Basics and the Seven Year War

Starts Wednesday, January 15, at 6:00 pm.

Belief That Behaves

Part 2 starts Wednesday, January 15, at 10:00 am.

Knowing Jesus: Living By His Name

Starts Wednesday, January 15, at 10:00 am.

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150 Years and counting.