Saturday, February 22, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Phase 2 Worship Plans for Re-Opening

[ld_section_title title=”Recommended FBC Rockport Phase 2″ title_top_margin=”10″ title_bottom_margin=”10″ subtitle_top_margin=”0″ subtitle_bottom_margin=”10″ text_top_margin=”0″ text_bottom_margin=”0″][/ld_section_title]

Governor Abbott has moved the State of Texas into Phase 2 of his plan to “reopen” the state safely during the pandemic.

Governor Abbott’s minimum guidelines for church attendees can be found here:

The minimum guidelines for churches can be found here:

The combined statement about places of worship from the Texas Attorney General and Governor Abbot can be found here:

The Church Council met on May 26, 2020 and voted to continue to follow Governor Abbott’s minimum standard health protocols for churches/places of worship.

The Church Council also approved the church staff’s recommendation for a Phase 2 for FBC Rockport. This plan is effective immediately and will last at least until June 30. We will adjust that plan as the Lord leads.

FBC Rockport Phase 2 Worship Plans

We are excited to be able to gather people again for worship and we are doing what we can to keep everyone safe. However, it is the current reality that attending church services may involve a certain amount of risk. Please make wise choices for yourself and your family. Gathering again for worship will NOT look like it has in the past. We ask everyone to practice the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ as we follow these guidelines:


  1. There will be two Sunday morning worship services:
  • 8:30, Traditional Service; 11:00 Contemporary Service
  • Both services will be streamed online on Facebook and YouTube.
  • Those who are ill or at-risk are encouraged to stay home.
  • Those who are vulnerable and/or 65 years of age or older are encouraged to attend the 8:30 service.
  • All others are encouraged to attend the 11:00 service.


  1. Due to social-distancing guidelines, worshippers not from the same household will need to remain six feet apart, including in the sanctuary where we will use every other pew.
  • We think we can accommodate 150-175 worshippers in each service.
  • When the worship space is full, people will be directed to an overflow room in the Fellowship Hall, where there is space to spread out and watch the service on a big screen with a good sound system.
  • Our ushers will be available to help people find places to sit in the sanctuary or direct people to the Fellowship Hall. Our ministerial staff will also be on hand to assist.


  1. There will be no childcare available at either service.
  • Your children, regardless of how active, are welcome at our church!
  • There will be activity packets available for children. These are for you to keep.


  1. Those entering our building are asked to sanitize their hands and are encouraged to wear facial coverings for the protection of others.
  • We will have hand sanitizer available if you do not have your own.
  • Nobody knows for sure how much singing can spread the coronavirus. We encourage the masks because we want our worshippers to sing!


  1. Those attending worship are asked to avoid congregating in common areas, to move to their seats, to avoid touching others, and to leave the building in an orderly fashion after worship, maintaining the social-distancing guidelines.
  • There will be no food or drinks available, and we ask that you do not bring your own.
  • Water fountains will not be available. We will have some bottles of water on hand for those who need it.
  • Restrooms will be available and sanitized for your protection.
  • There will be no bulletins, and we will not pass the offering plates. The offering baskets will be available in their usual locations in the back of the sanctuary.
  • We ask people to not move freely about the building so we can track which areas need to be sanitized.
  • When the services are over, we ask that you exit the building so we can sanitize.
  • Visiting outside is encouraged! Open-air settings are better than enclosed settings.
  • There will only be two entrances open: the front doors under the portico and “Tower Door” located near the choir room.


  1. Information for our staff and volunteers, per the minimum guidelines given by Governor Abbott:
  • Each staff member and volunteer serving on Sunday mornings will go through a quick medical and temperature screening by a Safety Team member. Anyone who demonstrates the following new or worsening signs or symptoms will be sent home: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degree Fahrenheit, or no know close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • Staff members and volunteers will wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the church.
  • Staff members and volunteers will maintain at least six feet separation from other individuals. If such distancing is not feasible, then other measures will be rigorously practiced (i.e., face coverings, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation).
  • Staff members and volunteers will sanitize the building before and after each worship service: Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect regularly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, and restrooms; disinfect seats between services; disinfect any items that come into contact with attendees; make hand sanitizer readily available.


Life Groups Plans

  • There will be no Life Groups at the church on Sunday mornings at least through June 30.
  • Life Groups are encouraged to continue to meet online or to contact Jeff Lanningham for possible meeting times and locations at the church throughout the week other than Sunday morning.


Meeting at the Church

Should your Life Group, committee, or ministry decide to meet at the church during Phase 2, please contact Jeff Lanningham and he will arrange a time and place for you to gather safely. You will be asked to follow our guidelines:

  • Not all groups will be allowed on the campus at the same time in order to protect the vulnerable and to follow the 50% capacity limitations given by Governor Abbott.
  • No group, ministry, or class may use the building without coordinating with the church office. This is to help us know what parts of the building have been sterilized and are, therefore, safe to use. The more people are in the different parts of the building, the more work it creates for John, our custodian.
  • Groups will need to enter and exit near the rooms in which they gather. We ask that no one move freely about the building so we can keep track of which areas are safe to use.
  • No childcare will be available.
  • No group may have food or drinks inside the building (including coffee!).
  • Every person entering the building will need to sanitize his or her hands. We encourage each person entering the building wear a mask for the protection of others.
  • Those in the immediate family or household may sit together. Otherwise, all people will need to stay six feet apart.
  • Spaces used should be sanitized thoroughly after each meeting. Groups that meet should have someone in charge of doing this. The church can provide supplies.
  • Please note: many groups are planning meetings outside the building in the shade. Open-air gathering spaces require fewer restrictions. Jeff will help you know what is possible.


Church Office

The church office will be open to the public from 10 am – 12 pm Monday through Friday. Please call before you come so we can be expecting you. The front door will remain locked during this time to assure social distancing restrictions. All visitors should wear a face mask. These are painful requirements within the church family but is the only way to ensure the safety of our members and employees.


Wednesday Night Plans

Pastor Scott will continue to do the Wednesday night Bible Study online throughout the month of June. There will be no church-wide, in-person meetings at the church on Wednesday nights. Small groups desiring to gather at the church on Wednesday nights should contact the church office to inquire about the possibility.



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