Sunday, September 29, 2024
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Samaritan’s Purse Helene Response

Samaritan’s Purse mobilizes staff and equipment and enlists thousands of volunteers to provide emergency aid to victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters in the United States. We often stay behind after our initial response to rebuild or restore houses for needy families.

We know the work of Samaritan’s Purse first hand when they came to help rebuild after Hurricane Harvey. Now it’s our turn to help them.

Give now to Samaritan’s Purse

Learn more at their website.

Mission Opportunities

Men’s Clothing Collection

September 7 - September 28, We are holding a Men’s Clothes Collection for Mother Theresa Homeless Shelter from now until September 28. This is for men’s clothes only!

Mary Hill Davis Offering

The Week of September 8-15: Together, WMU of Texas and Texas Baptists are able to send missionaries and provide opportunities for people to hear the gospel and find hope in Christ.

Beyond These Wall Planning Meeting

Sunday, September 15 at noon in room 181. There will be a planning meeting on Sunday, September 15 at noon in room 181. We will plan for our upcoming outreach events in the park and Halloween.

Romania Mission Trip 2024

July 6 - July 20

Community Table

First Baptist joins with other churches in the community...

Operation Christmas Child

You can pick up your shoeboxes in the church...


Texans On Mission

Texans on Mission (formerly Texas Baptist Men) has responded to every natural disaster in Texas since 1967 and many beyond it, including the Southeast Asia tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Through a diverse array of ministries, Texans on Mission has provided the calm after the storm for millions.

Men’s Clothing Collection

September 7 - September 28, We are holding a Men’s Clothes Collection for Mother Theresa Homeless Shelter from now until September 28. This is for men’s clothes only!

Mary Hill Davis Offering

The Week of September 8-15: Together, WMU of Texas and Texas Baptists are able to send missionaries and provide opportunities for people to hear the gospel and find hope in Christ.

Beyond These Wall Planning Meeting

Sunday, September 15 at noon in room 181. There will be a planning meeting on Sunday, September 15 at noon in room 181. We will plan for our upcoming outreach events in the park and Halloween.

Parents’ Night Out

Friday, September 13, at 6:00 pm Bring your flashlights and join us for a scavenger hunt. We’ll explore the night sky and discover God’s creations.

Belief That Behaves

Starts Wednesday, September 4, at 10:00 am

Children’s Church

For ages 5 - 10 years old in the 11:00 am Praise and Worship Service.

JAM Choir

Starts Wednesday, August 21, at 5:15 pm