Saturday, March 8, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Minister of Discipleship and Outreach

In early September an Ad-Hoc committee was elected to begin a search for a new Minister of Education. On November 3, 2024 the committee presented a job description for the position of Minister of Discipleship and Outreach. The new job description was approved. We are now searching for a Minister of Discipleship and Outreach and are praying for God’s blessing and direction. If you are interested and feel called to this ministry please submit your resume after careful prayer and consideration.


Principle function:

The Minister of Discipleship and Outreach is responsible to the Pastor for the overall leadership and development of the church’s discipleship programs, evangelism efforts, and outreach initiatives. This role helps the church to accomplish its mission by focusing on helping church members connect with the life of the church, nurturing spiritual growth through the church’s discipleship strategy, creating a welcoming environment for newcomers and visitors, and reaching out into the community with the gospel.

Job Classification:

This position is an exempt, salaried, full-time position. The Minister of Discipleship and Outreach is considered part of the Ministerial Staff.

Working Relationships

This position will report directly to the Pastor.


  • Participate and lead in the church’s worship services when called upon.


  • Oversee the Life Group program, ensuring alignment with the church’s mission and vision.
  • Recruit, train, and support Life Group teachers and leaders.
  • Develop and implement curriculum and resources for all age groups, cooperating with age group leaders.
  • Monitor attendance, engagement, and spiritual growth within Life Groups.
  • Participate in all staff meetings and retreats.
  • Provide pastoral care to those who are members of the church’s educational ministries.


  • Develop and promote small group discipleship opportunities for various demographics within the church and community.
  • Identify and train small group leaders, providing them with necessary materials and ongoing support.
  • Facilitate regular meetings with small group leaders to assess progress and address challenges.
  • Encourage participation and integration of small groups within the broader church community.
  • Coordinate with Ministerial Staff the ongoing training of church ministry leaders.
  • Plan and promote fellowships, retreats, seminars, and conferences, which will enhance the spiritual growth and development of the church in conjunction with the Ministerial Staff and other ministry leaders.
  • Assist the Finance Committee in the development of the annual budget for the discipleship and outreach ministries of the church.
  • Keep abreast of the latest trends, methods, and materials as related to religious education, discipleship, evangelism, and outreach.
  • Provide for personal and spiritual growth, times of renewal, and professional development.


  • Work with the appropriate church leaders to set goals, determine priorities, establish programs and coordinate a calendar, which will lead the church to accomplish its mission.
  • Recommend suitable educational building space and equipment.
  • Administer, in cooperation with the Finance Committee, church funds related to discipleship/outreach in conformity with the adopted budgets and policies.
  • Create and execute a discipleship and outreach strategy that takes into consideration biblical teaching, the mission and vision of the church, and the unique talents and gifts of church members.
  • Regularly report to the church in written form and, when appropriate, verbally on the work of the church’s discipleship and outreach efforts.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.


  • With the collaboration of other church leaders, create and execute evangelism strategies to reach the local community and beyond.
  • Organize and lead outreach events, mission trips, and service projects.
  • Equip and mobilize church members to engage in personal evangelism.
  • Schedule visits with each life group class in order to connect and observe on a regular basis. 
  • Develop partnerships with local organizations and ministries to extend the church’s outreach efforts.
  • Work with other church leaders to define a strategy for assimilating new believers, new members, and guests into the life of the church.
  • Oversee the operations of the church’s welcome center, ensuring a friendly and inviting atmosphere.
  • Train and supervise welcome center volunteers to effectively greet and assist visitors.
  • Maintain informational materials and resources available at the welcome center.
  • Implement systems to track visitor information and follow-up processes.
  • Develop a comprehensive visitor follow-up strategy to engage and integrate newcomers.
  • Ensure timely and meaningful contact with visitors through calls, emails, and personal visits.
  • Coordinate with other church staff and ministries to connect visitors and life groups with appropriate resources and opportunities.

Philosophy of Ministry

Open/Download First Baptist Rockport's Philosophy of Ministry.

Constitution and By-Laws

Open/Download the Constitution and By-Laws of First Baptist Rockport.

Organizational Manual

Open/Download the Organizational Manual of First Baptist Rockport

Additional Information

This position is a full-time salaried, ministerial position of FBC. Salary will range from $71,000. to $81,0000. Benefits include paid vacation, paid holidays, health insurance, annuity participation, and sabbatical. It is recommended/preferred that a BA in Christian Education or equivalent with 5 years experience, or a MA in Christian Education or equivalent and 3 years experience be held.

Please submit resume to:
1515 N. Live Oak
Rockport, TX 78382
Email: with SEARCH on Subject Line 

Minister of Education Search

It is our intention to keep you as up to date as possible concerning our work. We will inform you as to where we are in the process and all pertinent information concerning the search.

Church News