Monday, March 10, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Update for July 7, 2020

Greetings Church Family, I hope all of you are well. One of my favorite quotes is, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” That’s attributed both to Nils Bohr, Nobel Laureate in Physics, and to Yogi Berra, baseball philosopher. While true, I need to let you know of some important developments and how it changes our plans at FBC Rockport.


Today, Marcie Peterson, our Minister of Music, tested positive for COVID-19. Her husband tested positive the day before. Marcie and Chris are quarantined for two weeks. Please be in prayer for them as they endure the many symptoms associated with this illness. They are not feeling well.


We have been advised to follow the CDC guidelines for community-related exposure. So, all those who had certain kinds of exposure to Marcie at church this past Sunday will also need to be quarantined for two weeks. There is a small group of people who meet the necessary criteria for quarantine, and they are being notified. Unfortunately, that group includes our Youth Minister, Wes Robbins, and me.


Obviously, our plans will change for the next few weeks. Here’s how:


  1. There will be no in-person worship for the rest of July. We will have one on-line worship service at 11:00 a.m. Sundays. The Wednesday Night Bible Study live stream will go on as usual, 6 p.m.


  1. Jeff Lanningham is contacting the Life Groups that meet at the church throughout the week to discuss with them their options. Your Life Group leaders will let you know of any change to your class’ meeting plans.


  1. There will be no in-person youth meetings for two weeks. Wes will give more details later about youth ministry plans.


  1. There will be no in-person children’s meetings for two weeks. Marcie will give more details later about children’s ministry plans.


  1. The church office will be closed to the public for two weeks. However, it will be staffed, so if you need assistance with anything please call the church office.


My prayer is that the Lord will protect all of you and have mercy on those who are enduring illness of any kind. Let’s keep our eyes focused on Jesus and continue to walk by faith rather than by sight.


I love you all and I am proud to be your pastor!
