Monday, March 10, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Update from Pastor Scott

As you know, our local officials issued a new order this week regarding the wearing of face coverings in Aransas County. It reads in part, “All people 10 years or older shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when in a public place where it is difficult to keep six feet away from other people or working in areas that involve close proximity with other coworkers.”

I believe the stay-at-home orders we were under in April protected our community from a medical disaster, but also created economic and social disasters. I do not want to return to a situation like that. Going forward as a church, and as a community, requires us to remain “open” and meeting in-person when appropriate and possible. Being able to meet in person requires us to follow local, state, and federal guidelines to keep people safe. We must learn to do both well until there is a cure or a viable treatment for the disease, which could be months away. While offering in-person options, we will continue to provide on-line options for worship services and some Life Groups.

Keep in mind, if a staff member or worship leader tests positive for COVID-19, we will likely have to quarantine all the staff and worship leaders for two weeks, which means no in-person or online worship. If your Life Group is meeting in person and someone tests positive, everyone present with that person might also have to be quarantined for two weeks. Please help us keep everyone safe!

First Baptist Church will remain open for our currently scheduled in-person meetings throughout the week. Until further notice, we ask that everyone who comes to our building on any day:
• Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet apart when possible.
• Wear a face covering while in our building, especially at times when the 6 ft. distance cannot be followed well. We will have face coverings available.
• Follow CDC guidelines for good hand hygiene and covering coughs.
Please stay at home and enjoy our on-line options if you are not feeling well or uncomfortable meeting in person and following our guidelines.

The purpose of these guidelines is to keep everyone safe. In-person gatherings of any kind, whether at the store or at church, raises the risk of being exposed to the virus. Following the protocols helps to lower that risk. Face coverings help lower the risk of me spreading the virus to others in case I am infected but do not know it.

It is important to me that we keep the church and our community open for business and in-person gatherings. Doing this means that we must follow the loving, sacrificial servant example of Jesus Christ and do all we can to keep ourselves and others safe. Thank you for cooperating with us!

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