Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday: Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am | Praise & Worship Service 11:00 am | Life Groups 9:45 am

Update from Pastor Scott: September 28, 2017

FBC Rockport Update from Pastor Scott: September 28, 2017

God Reveals Himself
One way God is consistently revealing Himself to me is through the love, service, and generosity of others. Here is a partial list of churches and organizations that have helped so far:

Churches that have sent aid or volunteers include: Trinity Baptist Church, Kerrville, TX; FBC Midland, TX; Shearer Hills Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX; FBC Boerne, TX; FBC Three Rivers, TX; Murphy Road Baptist Church; Bulverde Baptist Church; Living Hope Baptist Church; FBC Spring Hills, TX; Fairfield Baptist Church; University Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX; FBC Garland, TX; FBC Cleburne, TX; FBC Portland, TX; FBC Corpus Christi, TX; FBC Marble Falls, TX; FBC Kerrville, TX; FBC Franklin, TX; and this is just to name a few.

We have also received help from the Blanco Baptist Association, The Heart of Texas Baptist Network, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief, Guidestone, South Texas Children’s Home, and Del Mar College.

We have received help from individuals or groups in Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Washington.

Help us bless the ACISD employees
This week we hosted parent meetings for the ACISD as they continue their effort to bring students home and begin the school year again. Teachers will report and begin preparations on October 9 and 10. School is scheduled to begin on October 11.

FBC Rockport is going to provide lunch on the various functioning campuses for ACISD employees on October 10. This is our way of showing our support as our community continues to move forward. If you would like to help with this endeavor by making a financial contribution, money can be sent to the church and designated “ACISD Lunch.” If you would like to help arrange for the meals and get them to campuses, please contact Kim Jones at 361-205-4343.

Church Office
The temporary church office is located in a trailer in the parking lot on the Live Oak St. side of the building. The office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The church phone number is not working at this time. We have a cell phone for office use. That number is 361-230-0146.

New weekly schedule
Beginning the week of October 15, our weekly schedule will be as follows:

9:30 a.m. Worship
10:45 a.m. Life Groups
5:00 p.m. Bible Study with Gordon Bellinger
6:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

5:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study with Pastor Scott
Grow Studies
Music and Missions for Children
Youth Worship

Volunteer Recovery Center
First Baptist Church Rockport is officially the Volunteer Reception Center for all of Rockport and Aransas County. Our hours of operation are 8am-5pm Monday – Saturday and 1-5pm on Sunday.

What does this mean?
1. If you are an individual, group, or organization that would like to come and volunteer in the community you can come to our location at 1515 N Live Oak St to get registered and then we can give out work orders from the countywide Crisis Cleanup List, as well as, other r opportunities in the community.opportunities in the community.
2. If you are a homeowner in need of work around or inside your home, you can come to us and fill out the homeowner intake form. This form gives us the information we need to send out the right crew to your home, and it will put your property on the countywide Crisis Cleanup List. You can also call the Crisis Cleanup Line at 844-965-1386.

If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jordan Mims at (361) 271-3552

Here’s a little perspective of the magnitude of need for volunteer help: Rockport-Fulton is a community of approximately 10,000 people, and we have nearly 1,100 properties on the Crisis Cleanup List that need help. This does not include Aransas Pass, Ingleside, or Port Aransas. We are a month removed from the hurricane, and some people are just coming back. This means the list will likely continue to grow.

We need more volunteers is an understatement. Come to the Volunteer Reception Center at First Baptist, and we can point you to the people that need help.
2. If you are a homeowner in need of work around or inside your home, you can come to us and fill out the homeowner intake form. This form gives us the information we need to send out the right crew to your home, and it will put your property on the countywide Crisis Cleanup List.
If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jordan Mims at (361) 271-3552
2. If you are a homeowner in need of work around or inside your home, you can come to us and fill out the homeowner intake form. This form gives us the information we need to send out the right crew to your home, and it will put your property on the countywide Crisis Cleanup List.
If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jordan Mims at (361) 271-3552

The updated list of needed donations can be found on our website or Facebook page. We will focus on distributing the donations we have already received and only receive new donations that will aid the work of volunteer groups in our community.

Slowly over the next two weeks the donations we are storing will either be distributed, given to other entities who can use them, or transitioned to storage outside on our property. As the donations are moved out of the building, Blackmon Mooring will begin the work of ongoing repairs, beginning in the preschool area. We will also make our classrooms available for volunteer groups to come and stay while they are working in our community. We will have a shower trailer on our property to assist with the volunteer effort.

I cannot stress strongly enough that our members must be patient with the recovery effort taking place on our property. Remember that every week many things are taking place: repair on our building, distribution of donated goods, coordination of volunteer groups, housing and possibly feeding of volunteer groups, and our own worship, Life Groups, and Wednesday night ministries. Our goal is to continue the essential ministries of the church while also contributing to the recovery effort in Aransas County. We will do our best to coordinate the efforts, but I think all our members should expect to be cramped, inconvenienced, moved temporarily to different rooms, and for parking to be a challenge at certain times.

Please let us know if we can help you in any way. I love you and I am proud to be your pastor.